Wednesday, September 28, 2011

33. My soul in and out

Finally another illustration.
 I've been reading some graphic design books and I wanted to put some of the things one of the authors talked about into practice. Namely two of the four principles of graphic design: alignment and contrast, being the other two proximity and repetition, according to Robin Williams.
I tried to align the elements between each other and I tried to explore the contrast possibilities between different fonts regarding form, direction, weight, size and colour. I've made four different illustrations with small differences and the one I was more pleased about was the one above, but bellow you can see the other three.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

32. Walk

It's been a while since my last illustration. I'll try to catch the rhythm again as soon as possible.
Don't know why, I was thinking about Beatles's Abbey Road picture and that inspired me to create this.

Technique: Illustrator and Photoshop.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

31. Anger

Talking about anger on the previous illustration. Here's another kind of it, another origin.

Technique: Photoshop.

30. Trust issues

This illustration and the previous two were all created at the same time. They're about those moments when you can't control what's happening and the entities or things you think are suppose to protect you just don't. In moments like those you start questioning things and when there are no answers you have to turn your back and stop feeling the anger.

Technique: Hand drawing.

29. Fear

Technique: Hand drawing.

28. Louder

Technique: Hand drawing.

Monday, September 5, 2011

27. Character

Typographic experimentation with basic shapes and gradients.

Technique: Illustrator and Photoshop.

Friday, September 2, 2011

26 - Any better

Inspired by Incubus's song, "Adolescents", and by dark cloudy days.

Technique: Photoshop.