Monday, August 1, 2011

1. Selfish

Picture taken at dawn with shattered glass from my bar's door after it was robbed. Since there was nothing I could do at 5 A. M. besides talking to the police, and that I had decided to start this project today, I figured that I might as well grab the opportunity to start my project talking about the selfish world we all live in. Yeah, people really like to take what doesn't belong to them...
Technique: Broken glass and photography


  1. Saw your blog on 365-- great stuff! This one is chilling-- what a great way to take a sad incident & put it to a positive end.

  2. Thanks Curious Art ;) I hope you'll like my other illustrations too.

  3. Wow. Love This. So Creative.... I can't wait to see the way your 365 comes along.
